Friday, May 11, 2012
Glass Houses - Rachel Caine
The book is the first in the 'Morganville Vampires' series; my friend recommended it to me so I thought I should give it a go. I'm not really a horror genre person, the only ones I read are an occasional Steven King novel. Vampire books are really not usually my thing.
The story follows a 16-year old girl named Claire, who is super smart and graduated high school two years early and decides to go to college. But seeing as Yale is really far away and her parents are frightened that she won't be able to handle it, she gets sent to this creepy university closer to home in a town called Morganville. I don't want to give the whole plot away, but she moves into a house with two guys and a girl after some popular girls at her university try to kill her by pushing her down the stairs, and she finds out that the town has some creepy vampire connections and gets wrapped up in it all.
If that doesn't sound like your thing, I still reckon you should give it a go. It's probably more of a girls read, just because it has a female main character, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that guys wouldn't enjoy it either. There are guy characters in it too and a fun amount of vampire violence. The thing that caught my attention the most though, was how it was written. It was published in 2006, but I feel like I could relate to it (all the main characters being between the ages of 16 and 19) because the author really gets into the teenage frame of mind as she writes.
It's hard to do the book justice in a review, but all in all, it's a great book. I read it in one day, which should tell you that it's worth it. So if you're looking for something different, definitely go for it!
Friday, June 10, 2011
John Grisham - The Associate

I admit, this book seemed very long to me. I must have renewed it about 3 times, but I have finally finished it!
The book is 'The Associate' by John Grisham. I'd only read one book by this author before, 'The Painted House' (Which I totally recommend by the way, it was really good!), but my dad's really into his books relating to law, so when I saw it on the table I thought I'd give it a read.
I won't give too much away about the plot, but basically it's about a recent grad law student who gets blackmailed into joining a massive law firm and stealing their "secrets" about an upcoming case.
The book itself gets a bit slow at times, it's only 300 pages but the middle seemed to be about 300 in itself! The end went very fast though, and I ended up finishing the last 100 pages in 30min.
Would I recommend it? I say read it. It's probably not the best to read it when you're studying for exams, because it'll sit by your bed collecting dust as it did with me. But if I'd actually sat down and read it in a week, I think I'd be much more enthusiastic about getting other people to read it. Overall, if you're into that sort of crime and law genre, definitely read it, it's really well written and if you're passionate about the subject it'll be perfect for you. If you don't like crime stories or you've never tried them, I say read one of John Grisham's just to see what it's like, because there's tons to choose from and he's a very good writer.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dear Alison - Simon Pollard
This was the book I had to read for Book Club, and the subject was imprisonment. I wanted to grab something that wasn't too long and complicated, just something simple but interesting. This book seemed pretty cool because when I opened it, it was full of little ink cartoons, which caught my interest instantly.
The book itself is a diary of a New Zealand man who was a prisoner of war in Germany during WWII, and the book is his letters to his niece, who was 4 at the time.
Overall, I thought that the book got kind of boring at times. It was interesting at the beginning, but by the end I had to make myself finish. Personally it would be a good book to just skip through and read little parts and look at the pictures, but for some people, reading it the whole way through could get boring.
x Phoebe
the dreamwalkers child

The dreamwalkers child now normally it would be the kind of book i would walk past on a book shelve but at the first book club meeting there it was sitting there nestled between two much larger tomes. I picked it up carefully and turned it over intending to read the back but hey i fgured i would start reading it any way. So here i was sitting in my room lamplight shining as i devoured everypage. Ok on to the book itself it is a story about a boy called sam who moved out of the city and into a remote country area. While there he discovers his interest of bugs so if you find your self creeped out by bugs big or small i would recomend you find something else despite how good i found this book to be. So after a while sam notices the bugs seem to be following him as time goes on more and more follow until one day when he is riding his bike and out of no where a swarm of wasps fly towards him. Naturally he trys to escape but as he rides away smack hit by a truck. Thats all im going to give away from here but i would definetly say reading this book is good if you are in the mood for something action packed and highly dosed with witty comments and story. ps sorry about my spelling.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Welcome to 2011
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Daemon Hall
"Five little finalists waiting at the door,
One went down a hole and then there were four.
Four little finalists, plain for all to see,
One was dragged into the night and then there were three.
Three little finalists made up this hearty crew,
One was forced to walk the plank and then there were two.
Two little finalists, one went on the run,
screamed and tripped and broke a neck and then there was one.
The last little finalist almost had it won,
poor thing went insane and then there were none."
this really pulled me in!! the horror stories arent to bad to be honest but i think that it could have been more about the plot instead of the stories (atleast half the book was stories by far) but they werent too bad. i would give this a 7/10 due to the vast amount of stories and little plot there. also i kinda figured out what was going to happen after the stories were though. (i think i know horror way 2 much. the same happen to me with movies)
Changeling: Discover The Beast Within
this book is about a boy named trey whos parents died in a "car accident" and we all know that means they were murdered. could have guessed that a mile off sadly D= well he has been living in a care home when he wakes up one morning to find his room completly TRASHED! he thinks that someone broke in and the head care man thinks he did it. hes been living in this home becaus ehe has no family until his uncle Lucien comes for a visit. his uncle has this special power and has a bad allergy to sunlight. eventually trey finds out his uncle Lucien (total vamp name) is a vamp and hes actually the last of hereditary werewolves. he must learn to control his power to save humanity!! this book is quite a good book and i recommend reading it. 8/10 points lost because it was quite typical for this kind of book.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Goosebumps Comic: Creepy Creatures
With this epic story I tell you I thought this was great
If your one of those poeple that read at night trust me this
is a story for you, of course it's written by none other than
R.L. STINE and when you hear that name you know it's gotta be great
This comic version of Goosebumbs

they include "The warewolf of Fever Swamp", "The scarecrow walks at midnight" & "The Abominable snow man of Pasadena"
Where all these stories have an epic story and not to mention a epic end will he survive will he not all brought to you by R.L. STINE
Thursday, May 20, 2010
It was quite simple, but seemed very mature artwork and didn't seem like a children's comic.
By Pheobe Rolfe