The dreamwalkers child now normally it would be the kind of book i would walk past on a book shelve but at the first book club meeting there it was sitting there nestled between two much larger tomes. I picked it up carefully and turned it over intending to read the back but hey i fgured i would start reading it any way. So here i was sitting in my room lamplight shining as i devoured everypage. Ok on to the book itself it is a story about a boy called sam who moved out of the city and into a remote country area. While there he discovers his interest of bugs so if you find your self creeped out by bugs big or small i would recomend you find something else despite how good i found this book to be. So after a while sam notices the bugs seem to be following him as time goes on more and more follow until one day when he is riding his bike and out of no where a swarm of wasps fly towards him. Naturally he trys to escape but as he rides away smack hit by a truck. Thats all im going to give away from here but i would definetly say reading this book is good if you are in the mood for something action packed and highly dosed with witty comments and story. ps sorry about my spelling.
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