Hey people! hope you've all been chillaxing! this book is about a girl names Sabriel. she is the daughter of Abhorsen (the title passed down though generations to the family line of GOOD necromancers (not bad)) and when her father visits her through the Death realm she is worried he is dead so she goes out in search of him and to rid the world of Kerrigor (the most evil Dead creature there is). she gets a few companions along the way aswell so shes not a total loner =D i REALI liked this book and since it is the 1st book in the Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix i cant WAIT to read the others!!! if you like magic and adventure and have a good imagination to see what the creatures look like you should SOOO read this!! but if you dont have the imagination to picture it then i think you should SOO read this (notice how there 1 O difference??) it even has a bit of romance in there although 1 bit is a bit freaky zekey.. have fun reading and keep it up!!!
freaky zekey...lol!
yay you like it! remember who recommended it!
hehe thats wat my braja called me wen i was lidl =D
and of course i wont 4 get!! im going to start reading Lirael now 2 =D
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