Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Alison - Simon Pollard

This was the book I had to read for Book Club, and the subject was imprisonment. I wanted to grab something that wasn't too long and complicated, just something simple but interesting. This book seemed pretty cool because when I opened it, it was full of little ink cartoons, which caught my interest instantly.

The book itself is a diary of a New Zealand man who was a prisoner of war in Germany during WWII, and the book is his letters to his niece, who was 4 at the time.

Overall, I thought that the book got kind of boring at times. It was interesting at the beginning, but by the end I had to make myself finish. Personally it would be a good book to just skip through and read little parts and look at the pictures, but for some people, reading it the whole way through could get boring.

x Phoebe

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